Ja spravím presun vášho Prestashop eshopu
Postarám sa o presun vašeho internetového obchodu postaveného na systéme Prestashop.Prenesiem stránku na inú doménu,subdomenu alebo hosting, taktiež možnosť klonovania stránky na inú doménu pre potreby testovania nových nastavení vzhľadu a podobne.
1. prihlasovacie údaje do administrácie hostingov2. prihlasovacie údaje do administrácie prestashopu
O predajcovi
Hello, my name is Richard I am Prestashop developer who work with Prestashop couple of years. I am here to help you mainly with your problems related to Prestashop functionalities. I like to debugging and solving issues of higher priorities. I can do changes in Prestashop modules to let them work as you wish or change functions of Prestashop to allow you work more effectively. As you see my profile and ads are wrote in english and that's because i do not speak german only english or slovak language. I have more then 160 of very positive reviews on Slovak and Czech Jamido pages. Fell free to contact me with any issues i am here to help. Richard.