

Ja spravím životopis v AJ curriculum vitae

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Cena4,00 €
Doručenie do7 dní
Dodatočné služby
4,50 €


I offer professional tailor-made resumes for your next career! If you're looking for a way to stand out from other job seekers, my team and I can help you create a resume that appeals to recruiters and showcases your best side.
With our individual approach to CV creation, we use modern methods and trends to help highlight your strengths, experience and skills.
We offer a full service including grammar and style editing and editing to make your resume as professional as possible. In addition, if you need it, we can also create a cover letter that perfectly complements your resume and shows your motivation and interest in the position.
 I look forward to working with you!


Contact me by message. In the attachment you will need to send:
Contact Information - Your name, address, telephone number and email address.
Professional Profile - A brief introduction that provides an overview of your professional profile and goals. In this section, you can summarize your greatest professional achievements, experience and skills
Professional Experience - List of jobs you've held, including job title, company name, length of employment and key job duties + your accomplishments and tasks you've performed during your employment.
Education - A list of your education, including the name of the educational institution, degree program and date of completion + certification or training you have completed.
Skills - These skills can include technical skills, language skills, interpersonal skills and more.
Interests and hobbies - You can also list your interests and hobbies if you think they might be relevant to the position
phoneNevyhovuje ti presne táto ponuka?

O predajcovi

Moje meno je David, som absolventom bilingvalného gymnázia a momentálne študujem obchod a podnikanie na vysokej škole. Medzi moje záľuby patria jazyky keďže povodom nie som zo Slovenska. Taktiež sa zaoberám obchodom s nehnuteľnosťami, ekonomikou (o čom svedčí aj mnou držaný certifikát) a financiami. Som spoľahlivý a komunikatívny a budem sa snažiť vám v prípadnom obchode vytvoriť alebo vyrobiť čo najkvalitnejšiu službu/produkt. Teším sa na budúcu spoluprácu.

aktívne objednávky 0
krajina Slovenská Republika
jazyk Slovenský
registrácia 2. 10. 2022
hodnotenie 0.00%
predaj 0

Inzeráty od DAVIDKOU

Ja spravím životopis v slovenskom jazyku
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Ja spravím životopis v slovenskom jazyku

do 7 dní
od4,00 €
Ja spravím esej z oblasti ekonomiky, obchodu a služieb v SJ
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Ja spravím esej z oblasti ekonomiky, obchodu a služieb v SJ

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od5,00 €